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Human resources is an essential business function across all sectors and industries. 人力资源职责,如员工招聘和保留, 培训和发展, and benefits and compensation are critical to a company’s bottom line and their competitive standing in the marketplace.

除了这个工作职能的关键性质之外, the rising complexity of managing people and workplace culture in today’s world only points toward more growth for HR professionals. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects human resources positions to grow faster than average, 尤其是管理岗位预计到2030年将增长9%. 

Earning a master’s degree in human resources is a great way to take advantage of this momentum, 同时也提高了该领域的薪资预期. 让十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看人力资源硕士学位是如何对工资产生积极影响的, 同时也打开了晋升的大门.


由于公司面临员工流失和就业市场上大量空缺职位, organizations are placing a particular focus on attracting and retaining top talent. This renewed emphasis on employees and organizational culture will prove fruitful for human resources professionals looking to climb the corporate ladder and boost their earnings.

根据劳动力市场分析公司EMSI的数据, the average advertised salary for an HR professional with a bachelor’s degree is $64,000. 对于拥有硕士学位的人力资源专业人士来说,这个数字跃升至80,300美元. 在过去的三年里, 拥有硕士学位的人力资源专业人员的广告工资上涨了7%.3%,与5相比.只有3%的人力资源专业人士拥有学士学位.

This outpaced salary growth for master’s degree holders is evident at all experience levels. 从初级职位到高级领导职位, the data is clear—a master’s degree will command higher salaries than a bachelor’s degree.

选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.


What Are The Best Paying Jobs You Can Get with a Master’s Degree in Human Resources?

人力资源包括许多通才和专家角色. 基于你的职业抱负, a master’s degree can help you deepen your skills or broaden your expertise to compete for top roles.

Let’s look at some of the top-paying positions that you can qualify for if you earn your master’s degree in human resources. All salary figures are based on job posting data provided by EMSI for human resources positions that require a master’s degree.



培训和发展经理监督培训计划、人员和预算. This specialized HR function is responsible for identifying skills gaps or professional development opportunities and then creating or selecting course content and materials for training programs.



人力资源经理是负责计划的多面手, coordinating and directing the essential administrative functions of an organization. 这些专业人员监督招聘, 面试, and hiring of new staff; consult with top executives on strategic planning; and serve as a link between an organization’s management and its employees.



Change management consultant is a natural role for an HR professional as they typically focus on the people side of change, 包括对流程的更改, 工作角色和组织结构. Their primary responsibility is creating and implementing strategies that maximize employee adoption and minimize resistance to improve organizational efficiency. 



An HR director oversees employee relations for all the departments of an organization. 他们计划, 领导和执行招聘工作, management and employee relations policies to ensure they meet the organization’s standards and align with its mission.



Compensation and benefits managers are responsible for establishing an organization's pay and benefits structure. These professionals monitor industry wage rates and benefits offerings to ensure an organization remains competitive in the hiring market. They may also be responsible for researching and vetting benefits plans such as health insurance or retirement.



The chief human resource officer (CHRO) is responsible for developing and executing human resource strategy in support of the overall business plan and strategic direction of the organization. The CHRO ensures HR needs are met by disseminating plans to the executive management team, 还有大公司的股东和董事会.



人力资源副总裁负责发展, 执行和评估符合法律规定的人力资源政策, 以及确定和实施长期战略人才计划. These professionals determine key performance indicators for the organization’s human resource and talent management functions, 以及确保组织在就业市场上的成功和竞争力.

Advancing Your Career and Increasing Your Salary Expectations Through a Master’s Degree in Human Resources

Salary is always determined by a multitude of factors, including educational attainment. The value of a master’s degree in human resources is evident in the increased salary expectations across job titles and years of experience. This degree will only prove increasingly valuable as organizations place more emphasis on human resources as a competitive advantage.

如果你现在是一名人力资源专业人士, 或者是想进入这个高薪领域的转行者, 硕士学位可以让你快速晋升. Finding a master’s degree program that meets your needs as a busy working professional is crucial to your success. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行招收新学生 100%在线M.S. 人力资源管理 degree program that will prepare you to become a strategic partner at the highest levels of organizational leadership. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行项目将帮助你提升你在人力资源方面的专业技能, 包括复杂的福利管理和不断变化的劳动法规, 也提升了你的领导力, 沟通和人际交往能力.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行的米.S. 人力资源专业可以在短短16个月内完成. This IACBE-accredited program follows best-practice standards for business education and is led by instructors with in-depth experience in the HR field. 

了解更多关于十大正规赌博平台大全排行的信息 M.S. 人力资源管理 看看它如何帮助你实现你的职业目标.
